Small update: 64-bits Linux build & translation sheet public

Hello y'all! Some small updates today. Someone notified me that the Linux build of Mobility was getting outdated, which was because I accidentally used an 32-bits virtual Ubuntu machine to build the original game. Whoops! I've now produced a new 64-bits build which should also work when installed via the itch app. I'll keep the original legacy versions available, but if I'll ever update the game in the future,  I probably won't update those builds any more.

Aside from that, I have another small announcement: the translation for the game is now publically accessible on Google Docs. If you want to help out translate the game, or simply poke around the dialog text from the game, feel free to do so! (Though please don't make a mess for others, you can download the sheet if you want to do that). If you want to translate in a language not yet available, feel free to add it yourself (although I can probably only support languages with the Latin alphabet at the moment).

Thank you—that's all at the moment!

Files 20 MB
Version 2.0.0 8 days ago 20 MB
Version 1 Jan 14, 2020

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